Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Task 5: Ways to predict and minimize potential unethical abuses of brain mapping

        Brain mapping is one of the emerging technologies that enables human beings to reveal a person’s mind, predict mental disease, and show whether a person is lying. Hence, this new technology is very useful to medical institution and police force. However, if the brain mapping technology is used by some people who have evil intentions, they will bring out several kinds of potential unethical abuses of brain mapping which may invade human’s right.
        As a researcher of brain mapping, predicting and minimizing potential unethical abuses of brain mapping are very important to us. As the saying “Prevention is better than cure’, predicting the potential unethical abuses of brain mapping is the crucial part that enables us to minimize negative effects which caused by brain mapping. To predict the potential unethical abuses of brain mapping, discussion among famous universities professors with the certain knowledge about the brain mapping should be held. They are able to raise up several kinds of potential unethical abuses that maybe occur after this new technology is being used. Furthermore, I will conduct a survey among the public to collect their opinions about the potential unethical abuses of brain mapping.
        The prediction of potential unethical abuses of brain mapping makes us easier to minimize the abuses. First of all, to minimize the potential abuses, we will verify the purpose and reason of the user of brain mapping. One who without positive thinking and appropriate reason will not be allowed to use brain mapping. The law enforcement for the usage of brain mapping plays an important role to punish the misuser. For example, one who misuses the brain mapping will be fined or sentenced to jail.
        In conclusion, the prediction of potential unethical abuses of brain mapping is very important as it enables us to take appropriate actions to minimize the abuses and make the brain mapping benefit to all human beings.